Upcoming events.

PIN Seminar: Dr. Mirna P. Amaya, PhD, MPH | World Obesity Day Series
Dr. Mirna P. Amaya, PhD, MPH
Group Lead
Health Systems
Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
In partnership with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center at the Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health. Join us for a series of talks highlighting our work on obesity in children and adolescents, with an introduction by Dr. Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, MD, PhD, MPH, Head, Global Health Initiatives, Office of the Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO.
Title: “People Centered Approach in Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition”
Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: bit.ly/PINregister

PIN Seminar: Dr. Samantha L. Huey, PhD | World Obesity Day Series
Dr. Samantha L. Huey, PhD
Research Associate and Group Lead
Precision Nutrition
Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
In partnership with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center at the Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health. Join us for a series of talks highlighting our work on obesity in children and adolescents, with an introduction by Dr. Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, MD, PhD, MPH, Head, Global Health Initiatives, Office of the Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO.
Title: “Current evidence on precision nutrition-based interventions for children and adolescents with obesity”
Date: March 20, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: bit.ly/PINregister

PIN Seminar: Dr. Shah M. Fahim, MBBS | World Obesity Day Series
Dr. Shah M. Fahim, MBBS
Doctoral Candidate
Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
In partnership with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center at the Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health. Join us for a series of talks highlighting our work on obesity in children and adolescents, with an introduction by Dr. Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, MD, PhD, MPH, Head, Global Health Initiatives, Office of the Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO.
Title: “Current evidence on gut microbiome-based interventions for children and adolescents with obesity”
Date: March 27, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: bit.ly/PINregister

PIN Seminar: Dr. Kripa Rajagopalan & Dr. Srishti Sinha | World Obesity Day Series
Dr. Kripa Rajagopalan, PhD, MSc, MSPH
Lecturer, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Postdoctoral Associate
Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
Dr. Srishti Sinha, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health
In partnership with the World Health Organization Collaborating Center at the Cornell Joan Klein Jacobs Center for Precision Nutrition and Health. Join us for a series of talks highlighting our work on obesity in children and adolescents, with an introduction by Dr. Juan Pablo Peña-Rosas, MD, PhD, MPH, Head, Global Health Initiatives, Office of the Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, WHO.
Title: “Current Evidence on Diet Therapy for Managing Obesity in Children and Adolescents”
Date: April 10, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: bit.ly/PINregister

PIN Seminar: Dr. Martin Mwangi, PhD | Micronutrient Forum Series
Dr. Martin Mwangi, PhD
Standing Together for Nutrition (ST4N) Coalition, Program Manager
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies (HMHB) Coalition, Program Lead
The Micronutrient Forum
A series in partnership with the Micronutrient Forum
Title: “Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation and Maternal Nutrition”
March 6, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: https://bit.ly/3EdIaX1

PIN Seminar: Dr. Cecilia Fabrizio, DrPH, MPH | Micronutrient Forum Series
Dr. Cecilia Fabrizio, DrPH, MPH
Program Lead
Climate Change and Nutrition
Standing Together for Nutrition Coalition (ST4N)
The Micronutrient Forum
A series in partnership with the Micronutrient Forum.
Title: “Climate Change and Nutrition: Building the Evidence Base to Drive Global Policy Actions”
February 20, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm ET
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: https://bit.ly/3EdIaX1

PIN Seminar: Dr. Marti van Liere, PhD | Micronutrient Forum Series
Dr. Marti van Liere, PhD
Director of Programs
the Micronutrient Forum
A series in partnership with the Micronutrient Forum.
Title: “The Micronutrient Forum: Turning Evidence into Collective Action for Nutrition
February 6, 2025, 11:30am - 12:30pm
One-time registration is required to join the PIN Seminar on Zoom. Register here: https://bit.ly/3EdIaX1

PIN Seminar: Dr. Daniel J. Raiten, PhD, FASN
Dr. Daniel J. Raiten, PhD, FASN, Senior Nutrition Scientist, Office of Nutrition Research, National Institutes of Health, joins the PIN Seminar.
Title: “Understanding the intersection of climate change, food systems, diet, nutrition and health: Implications for evidence-informed programs, policies, and interventions to address diet and health”
October 31, 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm
On Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09 | Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Anais Rameau, MD
Dr. Anais Rameau, Chief of Dysphagia, Director of New Technologies, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, Weill Cornell Medicine, joins the PIN Seminar to discuss her work.
Title: “Voice as an AI Biomarker of Health - Introducing Audiomics”
October 17, 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm
On Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09 | Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Dr. Ty Beal, PhD
Dr. Ty Beal, PhD, Senior Technical Specialist, Knowledge Leadership, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) joins the PIN Seminar.
Title: “Nutritional Value Score Rates Foods Based on Global Health Priorities”
September 19, 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm
On Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09 | Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Dr. Pascale Vonaesch, MSc, MPH, PhD
Dr. Pascale Vonaesch, MSc, MPH, PhD, Assistant Professor, Fundamental Microbiology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, joins the PIN Seminar.
Title: “The Gut Microbiota in Childhood Undernutrition”
September 12, 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm
On Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09 | Passcode: 752457
Nutrition 2024: Elaine Yu, PhD
Elaine Yu, PhD, Vitalant Research Institute
Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 8:12am - 8:16am CT
Location: W185A-C
Session: Nutritional Immunology and Inflammation (Poster Theater Flash Session 21)
Title: (PTFS21-04-24) Hepatitis C, but Not Hepatitis B, Virus Infection is Associated with Lower Concentration and Higher Intraindividual Variability of Circulating Total Cholesterol
Nutrition 2024: Sander Kersten, PhD
Sander Kersten, PhD, Director, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University
Monday, July 1, 2024, 6:05pm - 7:00pm CT
Location W375A
Session: 50th Anniversary Celebration of Cornell University's Division of Nutritional Sciences
Welcome from the Director | Final Questions and Closing Remarks

Nutrition 2024: Katherine Tucker, PhD
Katherine Tucker, PhD, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Saturday, June 29, 2024, 5:00pm-6:00pm CT, Location: W375C Add to Calendar
Nutritional Epidemiology GEM Forum: Avoiding Common Errors and Oversights in the Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data in Nutritional Epidemiology

PIN Seminar: Dr. Ravinder Mamtani, MD, MSc, FACPM, FACOEM, ABoIM, FACLM
Dr. Ravinder Mamtani, MD, of Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar joins the PIN Seminar.
Talk: “Institute for Population Health at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar: Overview, Programs, and Emphasis on Lifestyle Medicine”
Location: In Person, Cornell Ithaca Campus, MVR 3219
and On Zoom: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09 | Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Dr. Cornelia Loechl, PhD
“Going Beyond the Surface – How Stable Isotope Techniques are Advancing the Nutrition Agenda”

PIN Seminar: Dr. Eva Monterrosa ‘10
Dr. Eva Monterrosa, PhD, Cornell alum and Program Lead of Consumer Demand Generation at GAIN, joins the PIN Seminar.
Title: Solving public health problems in market-based settings: the design and implementation strategy of a FoodFiti brand for nutritious diets and foods
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm | iCal
All seminars will be hosted on Zoom, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET | Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Dr. Juan Rivera, PhD
Juan Rivera, PhD ‘88
General Director, National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mexico
"Mexico’s experience in the use of taxes for Obesity and NCD prevention”
Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM ET
Location: Martha Van Rensselaer Hall 1219 | Zoom | Passcode: 055648

PIN Seminar: Omar Dary, PhD
Dr. Omar Dary, Senior Nutrition Science Specialist, Bureau for Global Health, USAID, joins the PIN Seminar.
Title of talk: “Why are we not progressing in the reduction of anemia?”
Add to Calendar | Join the Webinar: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09
Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Sara Bleich, PhD
Join us for a special joint seminar with the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University: Dr. Sara Bleich, Professor of Public Health Policy, Harvard Chan School of Public Health.
Title of Talk: “Reflections on federal service and an overview of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery initiative”
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
11:45am ET note the later start time
On Zoom | Meeting ID: 921 0153 1029 | Passcode: 417130

PIN Seminar: Francesca Celletti, MD, PhD
Dr. Francesca Celletti, Senior Advisor, Office of the Director, Nutrition and Food Safety at the WHO joins the PIN Seminar.
Title of talk: “The WHO response to the obesity epidemic as a global health emergency”
Add to Calendar | Join the Webinar: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94680509885?pwd=QXlOZWhQTWMxUUxFSzhEL1JQOTIyUT09
Passcode: 752457

PIN Seminar: Jacquelyn Bedsaul-Fryer, PhD
Dr. Jacquelyn Bedaul-Fryer, Post-doctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, joins us to discuss her new work recently published in Nutrients.
“Precision Nutrition Applications and Opportunities for Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Help Mitigate Nutrition and Health Challenges”.

PIN Seminar: Tahmeed Ahmed, MBBS, PhD
Executive Director at iccdr,b Dr. Tahmeed Ahmed, kicks off the PIN Seminar co-sponsored by the Maternal Child Nutrition Training Program and Center for Precision Nutrition and Health.
“Innovations for Taking Care of Children with Malnutrition”